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« Choosing Spongebob Over Bitterness | Main | Responsibility: It's Not Just for Breeders »

February 03, 2005



The title of this article makes me laugh every single time I see it.

Oh, brother! How the heck did we get here?



Don't forget robin and batman.

Homophobia has done a good job at reinforcing homosexual interpretations of fictional characters in the past.


Donna Rowe

Homophobia not only ruins cartoon characters. This science fiction geek used to love the friendship between Jack and Daniel on Stargate SG-1. The first three seasons, especially season 2, showed a caring, committed relationship. Hell, Jack even hugged Daniel on more than one occasion.

Now? The homophobes decided that to prove Jack is 100% straight, the friendship had to be deconstructed. Now he acts as if he doesn't give a s*** if Daniel lives or dies and he now cares for his second-in-command "more than he should." Gah! She's not a brilliant scientist and soldier anymore. She's Jack's Girl and her pining over him is now her main storyline. (The mean old AF's regulations keep them apart. Heard of a transfer, Sam? Jack, you're over 50. Hello, retirement? Bleah!)

Donna Rowe

Thanks for listening to the rant, guys and gals. Much appreciated!

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