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« kd lang Comes Out Spiritually | Main | Bishop Robinson Urges LGBT People to "Come Out Spiritually" »

February 04, 2008



this is absolutely an outrage!!!! jesus christ and john's relationship with him was nothing of the sort!!! jesus christ was not in a sexual relationship EVER! AND HE WAS DEFINATELY NOT A BISEXUAL!!!!!!!!!!!! he says himself that homosexuality is an abomination to him.... you obviously do not know what this word means.... and you obviously do not know the Jesus Christ that saved my soul and the Jesus Christ of the Bible and the Jesus Christ that died for you! This is NOT the Christ of the Bible ... and you incredibly need to know the punishment for such things before you write such Blaspheme as this... you can start by actually reading the Bible, may God help you and save your soul!

Kittredge Cherry

Jesus himself does not say anything directly about homosexuality in the Bible. Scripture does not condemn loving, responsible homosexual relationships. There are many resources that fully explain the Bible and homosexuality. Here are a few that I recommend:

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