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« Bearing False Witness in Uganda | Main | King’s Vision on Healing Injustice »

January 14, 2010



Wow this stuff is great, I may have to start working on some more spiritual pieces myself, to look through and see what some of these artist have done is truly inspiring and uplifting. Too many people think inside the box too afraid to devote their time to something someone else may not like. Well I say who cares if I created then I love it and if I am the only person that ever visits my pieces then I am good. Check out my blogs to see what i think on the matter a lil further at

Dr Reece Manley DD MEd MPM

I am delighted to have found this resource. As a gay, progressive Christian author, I am very excited about this endeavor. May I recommend my works Crossing Twice and Spirit Thinking.

Gay Robert

Best reggards from one Serbian gay!

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