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May 19, 2010



Wow, I hope it works for them! I tried the same thing when MyOutSpirit launched - gathering/generating images of LGBT people engaged in spiritual practice - I even offered a week at an LGBT retreat center in Hawaii. Maybe the time is finally right for this to work! Tikkun certainly has a much larger megaphone...

Kittredge Cherry

My impression is that many artists want to create more LGBT spiritual art, but they get isolated and discouraged because there doesn’t seem to be a “market” for it. Clayton, you and I are changing that by posting their art on our blogs and websites. So far I heard from 5 artists who told me that they submitted their work to Tikkun for this project.


That's great!


I hope they get photos as amazing as these from Holy Week around the world!

Kittredge Cherry

Thanks, Clayton, these are absolutely stunning. There's even a Filipina female Christ on the cross.

I did hear from one artist friend who said that Tikkun accepted his work on Friday. I'm looking forward to seeing how they illustrate queer spirituality.

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