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November 24, 2014


Deborah Starling

I am so happy I came across this post. It was beautifully written and thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences with your readers. It is astounding at how little people know about AIDS/HIV even now even though it is a disease that still effects many. It is even more surprising at the stigma still attached to the AIDS virus. I wanted to recommend a memoir about the subject that is educational, informative and inspiring. It is called “Don’t Stop Dreaming” by author Dr. Russell Tomar ( This book offers a first hand account from someone who was right in the middle of the tragic start of the AIDS epidemic. The author shares his struggle with finding a cure as well as trying to understand the cause and treatment of the disease. I feel it is the duty of each individual to educate themselves on things like this that have had such a profound impact on such a large number of people and this book was the perfect way for me to do that. I hope you will give it a read too!

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