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About Bridge of Light

  • What: A new cultural tradition for celebrating the full equality and dignity of all people

    When: December 31, 2006

    Where: Public and not-so-public celebrations to be held across the USA (and beyond)

    Why: To raise awareness of the full spiritual equality of GLBT people and of all people, to have fun, to strengthen our communities, to celebrate an integral and holistic spirituality

    Who: Everyone (not just gays) is invited to endorse and celebrate with us ... even YOU

  • Vision Statement
    Bridge of Light is a new cultural tradition for celebrating both the beautiful uniqueness of the GLBT community and our fullest humanity. The festival is not a religious holiday in the traditional sense, but a cultural tradition intended to address the social and spiritual needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community ... and of all people. We, the holiday’s endorsers, encourage celebration of the festival not only within the GLBT community, but by all who want to join us in honoring the deepest humanity, values, and wisdom of all people. more...

  • Founder's Statement
    I have founded Bridge of Light because of my passionate belief that full equality for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) community cannot be achieved without directly addressing the widespread denial of the deepest humanity and fullest dignity of gay persons. more...

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December 12, 2006